--- /dev/null
+function page_title() {
+ return 'Members list';
+function content() {
+ if (!check_logged_in()) {?>
+ <h1>Restricted access page</h1><?php
+ return;
+ }?>
+ <h1>YCRA Spring Event Responses</h1>
+ <p>Below is a list of the spring event ticket form responses (ordered by most
+ recent first).</p>
+ <p>Click <a <?php href('spring-event-responses.php?csv=emails');?>>here</a> to download a CSV
+ file containing the email addresses of all members that have replied to this form.</p>
+ <p>Click <a <?php href('spring-event-responses.php?csv=responses');?>>here</a>
+ to download a CSV file containing the responses to this form.</p>
+ <p>Please note this is still a work in progress.</p><?php
+ $result = run_sql('SELECT members.first_name,members.surname,members.email_address,EXISTS(SELECT member_id FROM event_tickets WHERE member_id=members.id AND event_id=1) AS at_winter_event,event_tickets.* FROM event_tickets JOIN members ON members.id=member_id WHERE event_id=2 ORDER BY event_tickets.date_added DESC');
+ $members_num = 0;?>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Name</th>
+ <th>Email address</th>
+ <th>Date replied</th>
+ <th>Accompanying Adults</th>
+ <th>Ringing Level</th>
+ <th>Completed Consent form</th>
+ <th>At Winter event</th>
+ </tr><?php
+ while ($member = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
+ $members_num++;?>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?php esc($member['first_name'] . ' ' . $member['surname']);?></td>
+ <td><?php esc($member['email_address']);?></td>
+ <td><?php
+ esc($member['date_added']
+ ? date('j M Y', strtotime($member['date_added']))
+ : '');?>
+ </td><?php
+ $details = json_decode($member['details'], true);
+ foreach ($details as $d) {?>
+ <td><?php if ($d) echo nl2br(esc_str($d));?></td><?php
+ }?>
+ <td><?php esc($member['at_winter_event'] ? 'Yes' : 'No');?></td>
+ </tr><?php
+ }?>
+ </table><?php
+ esc('Total number of responses: ' . $members_num);
+if (!empty($_GET['csv']) && $_GET['csv'] == 'emails' && check_logged_in()) {
+ $result = run_sql('SELECT members.email_address FROM event_tickets JOIN members ON members.id=member_id WHERE event_id=2 ORDER BY event_tickets.date_added DESC');
+ header('Content-Type: text/csv');
+ header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="ycra-spring-event-2022-member-emails.csv"');
+ while ($member = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC))
+ esc($member['email_address'] . ',');
+ exit;
+if (!empty($_GET['csv']) && $_GET['csv'] == 'responses' && check_logged_in()) {
+ $result = run_sql('SELECT members.first_name,members.surname,members.email_address,EXISTS(SELECT member_id FROM event_tickets WHERE member_id=members.id AND event_id=1) AS at_winter_event,event_tickets.* FROM event_tickets JOIN members ON members.id=member_id WHERE event_id=2 ORDER BY event_tickets.date_added DESC');
+ header('Content-Type: text/csv');
+ header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="ycra-spring-event-2022-responses.csv"');
+ echo '"First name","Surname","Email address","Response date","Accompanying Adults",'
+ .'"Ringing level","Consent form filled-in","At Winter Event"'."\n";
+ while ($member = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
+ esc($member['first_name'] . ',');
+ esc($member['surname'] . ',');
+ esc($member['email_address'] . ',');
+ esc($member['date_added'] ? date('j M Y', strtotime($member['date_added'])) : '');
+ esc(',');
+ $details = json_decode($member['details'], true);
+ foreach ($details as $d)
+ echo '"'.str_replace('"','\'',$d).'",';
+ esc($member['at_winter_event'] ? 'Yes' : 'No');
+ esc("\n");
+ }
+ exit;
--- /dev/null
+function validate_submission(&$errors, $data) {
+ if (validate_email_address($errors, $data['email_address'])) {
+ if (!record_exists('members', simple_where('email_address', $data['email_address'])))
+ $errors[] = 'Please enter the email address you used to sign up for membership. '
+ . 'If you have forgotten this email address, please contact us at events@ycra.org.uk so we can assist you.';
+ }
+ if (empty($data['consent']) && !array_key_exists('confirm', $data))
+ $errors[] = 'You must give your consent for us to process your data.';
+ return empty($errors);
+function page_title() { return 'Spring Event Tickets'; }
+function additional_stylesheets() { stylesheet('fields'); }
+function content() {?>
+ <h1>Spring event tickets</h1>
+ <?php
+ $errors = $params = [];
+ if (array_key_exists('ticket', $_POST)) {
+ if (validate_submission($errors, $_POST)) {
+ confirm_sent_form_data($_POST, ['email_address', 'accompanying_adults', 'ringing_level',
+ 'consent_form_completed']);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists('confirm', $_POST) && validate_submission($errors, $_POST)) {
+ $record = fetch_record('members', 'id', simple_where('email_address', $_POST['email_address'])
+ . ' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1');
+ $id = $record['id'];
+ if (record_exists('event_tickets', simple_where('member_id', $id) . ' AND event_id=2')) {?>
+ <p>You have already signed up to this event.</p>
+ <p>If you would like to amend the information you previously submitted,
+ please email us at <a href="mailto:events@ycra.org.uk">events@ycra.org.uk</a>.</p><?php
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (['accompanying_adults', 'ringing_level', 'consent_form_completed'] as $key)
+ if (!empty($_POST[$key])) $details[$key] = $_POST[$key];
+ else $details[$key] = null;
+ insert_array('event_tickets',
+ ['event_id'=>'2','member_id'=>$id,'date_added'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ 'details'=>json_encode($details)]);?>
+ <p>Your details have been submitted successfully.</p><?php
+ if (empty($details['consent_form_completed'])) {?>
+ <p>Please download and complete our
+ <a <?php document_href('consent-form.docx');?>>consent form</a>, then send it to
+ <a href="mailto:contact@ycra.org.uk">contact@ycra.org.uk</a> before
+ <b>Wednesday 20th April 2022</b>. You must complete a consent form,
+ irrespective of your age. We require the information you provide in this form to
+ keep you safe at our events.</p>
+ <p>You do not need to complete this consent form if you already filled one
+ out and returned it to us previously, for example, at our Winter event in
+ Birmingham.</p><?php
+ }?>
+ <p>We will email you with more details about the event soon.</p><?php
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($_POST) $params = $_POST;?>
+ <p>We will be holding our Spring ringing event in Bristol on Saturday,
+ 23rd April 2022.</p>
+ <p>Please see the <a <?php href('events.php#spring-event-2022');?>>events page</a>
+ for more information about this event.</p>
+ <p>Please use the form below to book your place at this event. It will be free
+ for YCRA members to attend this event.</p>
+ <?php show_error_list($errors);?>
+ <form method="post" action=""><?php
+ email_field($params, 'email_address',
+ 'Email address used for membership sign-up', ['required'=>'']);
+ textarea($params, 'accompanying_adults',
+ 'Please enter the full names of any adults who will be accompanying you',
+ ['rows'=>'2']);
+ textarea($params, 'ringing_level', 'What sorts of things can you currently ring?',
+ ['rows'=>1, 'required'=>'']);
+ checkbox_field($params, 'consent_form_completed',
+ 'I have already completed a consent form (e.g. for our Winter event)');?>
+ <div class="field">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="consent" id="consent" value="1" />
+ <label for="consent">
+ I agree for the data I submit with this form to be processed in
+ accordance with the
+ <a target="_blank" <?php document_href('privacy-policy-v2.pdf');?>>YCRA privacy policy</a>.
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <input type="submit" name="ticket" value="Request ticket" />
+ </form--><?php